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Снег впервые за 100 лет: в Сирии лепят снеговиков с автоматами Калашникова

Снег впервые за 100 лет: в Сирии лепят снеговиков с автоматами Калашникова

На улицах раздираемой войной Сирии появились снеговики с автоматами Калашникова, их слепили бойцы Сирийской освободительной армии, находящиеся, как видно по фото, в приподнятом настроении.

Однако природный катаклизм принес не только радость. Тысячи людей остались без электричества в Израиле и на западном берегу реки Иордан, нарушена работа основных портов, закрыты школы.

Snowballs in Syria: Free Syrian army fighters play with snow in Aleppo's Karm al-Jabal district after months of unrest and conflict in the country's largest city

A snowman made to look like a Free Syrian Army fighter is pictured in Aleppo's Karm al-Jabal district

Palestinian women walk on snow to reach to their homes in the West Bank city of Nablus, after the area was brought to a standstill by Snowstorm Alexa

A man trudges through the thick snow to reach his home in Nablus, Palestine, after the worst blizzards in decades forced many to flee to public buildings and schools

Uphill battle: Thousands were left without power and forced to return to damaged homes today as the storm let up for the first time since Wednesday

Children play in the rare snow in Catherine, south Sinai, Egypt, where many of the country's biggest ports were forced to close

Bulldozers clear snow off a road in the West Bank as authorities were able to start repairs on downed power lines and blocked routes for the first time

Two young girls build a snowman at a school yard in Saint Catherine, Egypt. Schools were closed last week as much of the country's roads were blocked and public transport suspended

A man carries boxes through the blanketed town of Saint Catherine in Egypt where workers tried to return to normal and schools re-opened

Children in Saint Catherine had the rare opportunity to build a snowman at school yesterday. Much of the Middle East was blanketed by the storm

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Комментарии (1)

  • Dee
    Dee 17 декабря 2013

    пора в России выращивать аписины

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